Saturday, 13 December 2014

Song & Video: Dos Papas (Two Potatoes) - Parts of the Body and Clothes

This is a really fun and catchy song to learn parts of the body and clothes in Spanish.

Here are the lyrics in Spanish, as well as the English translation:

Una papa, con ojos, con una nariz, con una boca, (One potato, with a nose, with a mouth)
Una papa, con brazos, con piernas, y un sombrero (One potato, with arms, with legs, and a hat)
Una papa (One potato)
Le gusta bailar, le gusta bailar, le gusta bailar (She likes dancing, she likes dancing, she likes dancing)
Dos papas, con ojos, con narices, con bocas (Two potatoes, with eyes, with noses, with mouths)
Dos papas (Two potatoes)
Con brazos, con piernas, y sombreros (With arms, with legs, with hats)
Dos papas (Two potatoes)
Les gusta bailar, les gusta bailar, les gusta bailar (They like dancing, they like dancing, they like dancing)
Tres papas (Three potatoes)
Les gusta bailar, les gusta bailar, les gusta bailar (They like dancing, they like dancing, they like dancing)

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