Saturday 10 November 2018

Twister Hopscotch

The object of the game is to spin the spinner and hop through the twister hopscotch path without touching that colour spot. All players to successfully hop through ya path win.

1 player game: on a turn, spin the spinner. Stare by standing off the path, and then hop through the hopscotch rings hopping in each ring with one foot. If there are two or more rings side by side hop with both feet in two separate rings. Avoid hopping in the colour span.

2 player: on a turn, one players spins the spinner. Each player starts by standing off the hopscotch path on either end, then each player hops at the same time through the hopscotch path by hopping in each ring with one foot. If there are two or more rings side by side hop with both feet in two separate rings. Avoid hopping in the colour span. When the players reach each other in the middle of the path, they can customise a hopscotch interaction - for example a high five or secret hand shake or special dance.

For Spanish class: you can get them to spin and then they have to say the colour in Spanish. When they find that colour on the path and skip it they say the colour in Spanish. Another game could be to lay the hoops and teacher calls out colours and they have to skip or jump on that colour or jump counting how many hoops.